
Utilities for fitting and testing variance component models

VarianceComponentModels.jl implements computation routines for fitting and testing variance component model of form

\[\text{vec}(Y) \sim \text{Normal}(X B, \Sigma_1 \otimes V_1 + \cdots + \Sigma_m \otimes V_m),\]

where $\otimes$ is the Kronecker product.

In this model, data is represented by

  • Y: n x d response matrix
  • X: n x p covariate matrix
  • V=(V1,...,Vm): a tuple m n x n covariance matrices

and parameters are

  • B: p x d mean parameter matrix
  • Σ=(Σ1,...,Σm): a tuple of m d x d variance components

Package Features


This package requires Julia v0.7.0 or later, which can be obtained from or by building Julia from the sources in the repository.

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(v1.2) pkg> add

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Manual Outline