Genetic Relationship Matrix

For homogeneous population, the grm function computes an empirical kinship matrix using either the classical genetic relationship matrix (model=:GRM), the method of moment method, (model=:MoM), or the robust method (model=:Robust). See the section Kinship Comparison of this manuscript for the formulae and references for these methods.

using VCFTools
using BenchmarkTools
using Random

Example data

We use a small dataset for illustration.

vcf = "test.08Jun17.d8b.vcf.gz"
isfile(vcf) || download("",
    joinpath(pwd(), "test.08Jun17.d8b.vcf.gz")) 

Classical genetic relation matrix:

Φgrm = grm(vcf, method=:GRM)
191×191 Array{Union{Missing, Float64},2}:
  0.509639   -0.173137     0.139009    0.344595   …  -0.0538013    0.118336
 -0.173137    0.269917    -0.0378611  -0.168066       0.0149373   -0.0938038
  0.139009   -0.0378611    0.544581    0.0929861     -0.0811612   -0.108824
  0.344595   -0.168066     0.0929861   0.632202       0.0380955    0.197141
  0.135174    0.0502916   -0.104267    0.0336621      0.0569862    0.151167
  0.246076   -0.014241     0.179227    0.19268    …  -0.139676    -0.165812
  0.020906   -0.139727    -0.139303    0.0851532      0.0886343    0.2662
  0.215287   -0.0120802    0.174532    0.180937      -0.13446     -0.150215
 -0.0857512   0.101322     0.0273445  -0.124995      -0.0284517   -0.133978
 -0.0334045   0.00105786  -0.0847244   0.0192485      0.17522      0.28381
  0.191035   -0.194461     0.123831    0.343103   …  -0.169409    -0.123299
  0.0403932   0.0362218   -0.104964    0.0818739      0.120505     0.221341
  0.119437   -0.159888    -0.154841    0.0654152      0.00605001   0.189286
  ⋮                                               ⋱                ⋮
 -0.0151901   0.0145886   -0.0797194  -0.0432524     -0.11637     -0.144026
 -0.176762    0.0709844   -0.0553092  -0.196741   …   0.0202614   -0.0684934
  0.119737   -0.0772078   -0.0293833   0.192959       0.139404     0.465827
  0.160204   -0.108528    -0.155567    0.32801        0.330113     0.587766
  0.0114375  -0.135734    -0.134039    0.132396       0.0916851    0.258156
 -0.0667285  -0.075066    -0.0659199   0.060112      -0.00138809  -0.00636518
 -0.100007    0.0307077   -0.0525619  -0.0751086  …   0.204855     0.40322
  0.158981   -0.116065    -0.15441     0.406356       0.314238     0.579388
 -0.0155081  -0.0123674   -0.076561   -0.0252304      0.115077     0.370777
 -0.138001    0.0857907   -0.0506552  -0.15243        0.0454182   -0.0203949
 -0.0538013   0.0149373   -0.0811612   0.0380955      0.247693     0.269822
  0.118336   -0.0938038   -0.108824    0.197141   …   0.269822     0.763134
# calculate GRM using Float64 = double precision
@btime grm($vcf, method=:GRM);
  109.355 ms (520006 allocations: 42.78 MiB)

Computation time is dominated by data import. For large VCF files, we recommend converting to PLINK files and use SnpArrays.jl's GRM functions.

# time to import data
@btime convert_gt(Float64, $vcf);
  70.635 ms (519985 allocations: 42.42 MiB)

By default, grm exlcudes SNPs with minor allele frequency below 0.01. This can be changed by the keyword argument minmaf.

# compute GRM excluding SNPs with MAF≤0.05 
grm(vcf, method=:GRM, minmaf=0.05)
191×191 Array{Union{Missing, Float64},2}:
  0.554328   -0.214182     0.170112    …  -0.17178     -0.0647294   0.155598
 -0.214182    0.305252    -0.0674007       0.103615     0.016486   -0.114942
  0.170112   -0.0674007    0.357826       -0.0544721   -0.0910721  -0.139278
  0.443756   -0.203137     0.136578       -0.185155     0.0550511   0.258983
  0.136835    0.067131    -0.113638        0.0211501    0.0755193   0.198218
  0.291432   -0.020033     0.215636    …  -0.112002    -0.177116   -0.205093
  0.0352073  -0.170828    -0.157507       -0.130001     0.115162    0.342286
  0.275446   -0.0141623    0.21027        -0.0988044   -0.167418   -0.182397
 -0.104754    0.124656     0.00681675      0.108201    -0.0378602  -0.165262
 -0.0359602   0.00233001  -0.0923087       0.0609292    0.220443    0.361188
  0.254598   -0.23304      0.178358    …  -0.24739     -0.201663   -0.139165
  0.0564595   0.0463671   -0.117655        0.00785399   0.151922    0.282956
  0.155375   -0.199302    -0.180192       -0.115809     0.0085127   0.242738
  ⋮                                    ⋱                            ⋮
 -0.01318     0.0192445   -0.0860713      -0.102959    -0.144756   -0.174637
 -0.218718    0.0866758   -0.0586966   …   0.143783     0.0231579  -0.08324
  0.157352   -0.0941577   -0.0397914      -0.0489522    0.177118    0.361727
  0.201673   -0.139738    -0.185857       -0.0729051    0.409593    0.737014
  0.0359959  -0.153181    -0.138269       -0.169825     0.131629    0.344859
 -0.0618942  -0.0772039   -0.0529604      -0.151762     0.01507     0.0135899
 -0.117868    0.0409624   -0.0505296   …   0.102447     0.23121     0.301612
  0.203299   -0.14602     -0.181252       -0.0664162    0.392868    0.729678
 -0.0136508  -0.0145859   -0.0821884       0.0803987    0.145022    0.259378
 -0.17178     0.103615    -0.0544721       0.197499     0.0530589  -0.0246084
 -0.0647294   0.016486    -0.0910721       0.0530589    0.280131    0.340445
  0.155598   -0.114942    -0.139278    …  -0.0246084    0.340445    0.734055

To specify specific SNPs for calculating empirical kinship, use the cinds keyword (default is nothing). When cinds is specified, minmaf is ignored.

# robust GRM using every other SNP
grm(vcf, cinds=1:2:nrecords(vcf))
191×191 Array{Union{Missing, Float64},2}:
  0.615936   -0.300454     0.119274   …  -0.202922   -0.0880007    0.199078
 -0.300454    0.374049    -0.0554153      0.106105    0.00604129  -0.169099
  0.119274   -0.0554153    0.40731       -0.0868751  -0.0794463   -0.104096
  0.523751   -0.285146     0.134582      -0.219862    0.0240505    0.321878
  0.159964    0.0390207   -0.14321        0.0290594   0.0364882    0.151578
  0.302406   -0.0227735    0.192718   …  -0.150977   -0.208044    -0.211195
  0.136271   -0.188909    -0.0916589     -0.123625    0.152535     0.450363
  0.2916     -0.0228298    0.203411      -0.151033   -0.197351    -0.200502
 -0.142535    0.134245     0.0272584      0.124283   -0.0617748   -0.247664
 -0.0798966  -0.00735309  -0.0928407      0.0686797   0.237347     0.373936
  0.351425   -0.253236     0.241737   …  -0.295445   -0.159025    -0.0116866
  0.0778531   0.0321547   -0.117829       0.0114441   0.126366     0.262954
  0.259521   -0.259145    -0.172644      -0.0863686   0.0285528    0.326381
  ⋮                                   ⋱                            ⋮
  0.0865764   0.0516272   -0.0231112     -0.108824   -0.144392    -0.169042
 -0.27631     0.118712    -0.0742687  …   0.162497    0.0194357   -0.155704
  0.250798   -0.171125     0.0121194     -0.0843426   0.148821     0.414401
  0.297453   -0.242711    -0.16696       -0.0699352   0.421211     0.805033
  0.170601   -0.176077    -0.0788273     -0.16454     0.154618     0.430947
  0.0591123  -0.0940788    0.0246696     -0.157787    0.0323798    0.104473
 -0.184012    0.0605192   -0.0464669  …   0.0935549   0.283721     0.366564
  0.292726   -0.22594     -0.160938      -0.0639134   0.373486     0.778807
 -0.0181024  -0.0530515   -0.0847928      0.0874768   0.137903     0.252993
 -0.202922    0.106105    -0.0868751      0.246634    0.0498263   -0.0285702
 -0.0880007   0.00604129  -0.0794463      0.0498263   0.336736     0.376581
  0.199078   -0.169099    -0.104096   …  -0.0285702   0.376581     0.867896

High proportion of missing data

By default, missing data is imputed to the mean of each SNP. If genotype missing rate is too high (e.g. >10%), this introduces biases and reduces the variance. The appendix of this paper proposes to scale the estimated kinship values as

\[\Phi^c_{ij} = \frac{\Phi_{ij}}{(1 - m_i)(1 - m_j)}\]

where $\Phi^c_{ij}$ is the corrected kinship coefficient between samples $i$ and $j$, $\Phi_{ij}$ is the estimated kinship coefficient that initializes missing by the mean, and $m_i$, $m_j$ are the proportion of missing data for individuals $i$ and $j$.

# randomly mask genotypes
masked_vcf = "masked.test.08Jun17.d8b.vcf.gz"
p, n = nrecords(vcf), nsamples(vcf)
mask_gt(vcf, bitrand(p, n), des=masked_vcf) # create vcf file with missings

# estimate GRM, adjusting for missing initialization
Φrbs_sm = grm(masked_vcf, method=:Robust, scale_missing=true)
191×191 Array{Union{Missing, Float64},2}:
  1.30588    -0.290492     0.0689064   …  -0.276493   -0.111094     0.228753
 -0.290492    0.651879    -0.0633084       0.120228   -0.0162717   -0.138165
  0.0689064  -0.0633084    0.745551       -0.0492747  -0.0907247   -0.15895
  0.430492   -0.247225     0.109645       -0.19945     0.0501855    0.172614
  0.126902    0.0610365   -0.102666       -0.0522749   0.00563318   0.130814
  0.297125   -0.00438906   0.166185    …  -0.11928    -0.267808    -0.206888
  0.158559   -0.201101    -0.0921285      -0.170932    0.133963     0.468156
  0.291988   -0.0396832    0.228577       -0.130672   -0.212078    -0.184651
 -0.0933044   0.0609117   -0.0205374       0.119006   -0.0707123   -0.149736
 -0.0986155   0.0212019   -0.104169        0.0411152   0.247845     0.283098
  0.394477   -0.336916     0.156454    …  -0.270127   -0.106199    -0.054917
  0.101792    0.0190197   -0.116953       -0.0284481   0.12791      0.180167
  0.265324   -0.273398    -0.131791       -0.143237    0.0624757    0.318722
  ⋮                                    ⋱                            ⋮
  0.108532    0.0291635   -0.0279842      -0.14845    -0.226982    -0.17088
 -0.330036    0.152157    -0.0822878   …   0.202119    0.0365194   -0.141963
  0.293801   -0.166514    -0.0953181      -0.081469    0.204271     0.500274
  0.301582   -0.173733    -0.140419       -0.16801     0.392107     0.761084
  0.255879   -0.203995    -0.0920963      -0.226188    0.247413     0.436354
  0.0534598  -0.0868044    0.0217071      -0.11379     0.0803161    0.107935
 -0.239608    0.0928141   -0.00405421  …   0.116603    0.287398     0.227279
  0.261594   -0.226794    -0.154149       -0.158804    0.468693     0.62726
 -0.0638803   0.0142407   -0.073264        0.085191    0.126589     0.230395
 -0.276493    0.120228    -0.0492747       0.452869    0.0445575   -0.0420102
 -0.111094   -0.0162717   -0.0907247       0.0445575   0.706254     0.383406
  0.228753   -0.138165    -0.15895     …  -0.0420102   0.383406     1.51661

Note: The resulting kinship values may have values exceedingly large (e.g. > 1) if $m_i$ or $m_j$ is close to 1. Please proceed with caution.

Inhomogeneous populations

If your population is admixed, we recommend one to follow this protocol in SnpArrays.jl.