Ultra-compressed format

One can optionally save/load ultra-compressed phased genotypes after imputation. Ultra-compression is nothing fancy. Instead of converting haplotype segments into genotypes, this protocol simply saves the starting position and the correct haplotype label. We put this result into our own data structure, and saving/loading is achieved by the JLSO package.


Appending .jlso to the output file name will signal MendelImpute to save data in ultra-compressed format. For admixture estimation, we require one to save in .jlso format.

# first load all necessary packages
using MendelImpute
using VCFTools

# compute each person's phase information
tgtfile = "target.chr22.typedOnly.masked.vcf.gz"
reffile = "ref.chr22.maxd1000.excludeTarget.jlso"
outfile = "mendel.imputed.jlso" # output file name ends in jlso!
@time phaseinfo = phase(tgtfile, reffile, outfile);
Number of threads = 1
Importing reference haplotype data...

Computing optimal haplotypes...100%|████████████████████| Time: 0:00:23
Phasing...100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:05

Total windows = 1634, averaging ~ 508 unique haplotypes per window.

    Data import                     = 13.5855 seconds
        import target data             = 2.99557 seconds
        import compressed haplotypes   = 10.5899 seconds
    Computing haplotype pair        = 23.5138 seconds
        BLAS3 mul! to get M and N      = 1.02228 seconds per thread
        haplopair search               = 18.3673 seconds per thread
        initializing missing           = 0.101495 seconds per thread
        allocating and viewing         = 0.270367 seconds per thread
        index conversion               = 0.0212053 seconds per thread
    Phasing by win-win intersection = 5.17088 seconds
        Window-by-window intersection  = 0.499549 seconds per thread
        Breakpoint search              = 3.71212 seconds per thread
        Recording result               = 0.00855205 seconds per thread
    Imputation                     = 3.04347 seconds
        Imputing missing               = 0.0513904 seconds
        Writing to file                = 2.99208 seconds

    Total time                      = 45.5041 seconds

 60.231372 seconds (124.56 M allocations: 6.857 GiB, 5.31% gc time)

The object saved to mendel.imputed.jlso is literally the phaseinfo variable. We can inspect its element:

# look at sample 1's haplotype segments
haplotype_labels = phaseinfo[1].strand1.haplotypelabel # strand1
haplotype_start = phaseinfo[1].strand1.start # strand1
[haplotype_start haplotype_labels]
545×2 Array{Int64,2}:
      1  4119
    236   887
    423   272
    622    12
    741   124
    792     4
    824    24
    944  1282
   1116  1741
   1202  4543
   1691  1198
   3031    22
   3521    18
 411702   877
 412185    74
 413733  3849
 413868   248
 414371    31
 414552  3187
 414989  4481
 415807     5
 415965   143
 416352  1276
 416744    71
 417014   311


The function convert_compressed will load the ultra-compressed data into genotype matrices and the original phaseinfo data structure.

Note: Decompressing requires loading the original haplotype reference panel.

tgtfile = "mendel.imputed.jlso" # ultra-compressed genotypes after phasing & imputation
reffile = "ref.chr22.excludeTarget.vcf.gz" # original haplotype reference file
X1, X2, phaseinfo, sampleID, H = convert_compressed(Float64, tgtfile, reffile);
importing reference data...100%|████████████████████████| Time: 0:01:51

Check this compression protocol exhibit same error rate with standard VCF compression. Note that X1, X2, and H are transposed.

X_truth  = convert_gt(Float64, "target.chr22.full.vcf.gz") # import true genotypes
X_mendel = (X1 + X2)' # transpose X1 and X2
n, p = size(X_mendel)
println("error overall = $(sum(X_mendel .!= X_truth) / n / p)")
error overall = 0.00527504782243333