
Please star our github page, that would be very helpful.

If you would like to contribute to this project, we compiled a list of desired features for this project. Developers of any level is welcomed. Do not be shy because it can't hurt to ask.

Bug Fixes & User Support

If you encounter a bug or you need some user support, please open a new issue here. If you can, provide the error message and, ideally, a reproducible code that generated the error.


If you use MendelIHT.jl in an academic manuscript, please cite:

  title={{Iterative hard thresholding in genome-wide association studies: Generalized linear models, prior weights, and double sparsity}},
  author={Chu, Benjamin B and Keys, Kevin L and German, Christopher A and Zhou, Hua and Zhou, Jin J and Sobel, Eric M and Sinsheimer, Janet S and Lange, Kenneth},
  publisher={Oxford University Press}