This notebook showcase a few examples of the software MendelIHT.jl.
#load necessary packages, install them if you don't have it
using MendelIHT
using SnpArrays
using DataFrames
using Distributions
using Random
using LinearAlgebra
using GLM
using DelimitedFiles
using Statistics
using BenchmarkTools
using Plots
Iterative hard thresholding (IHT) is a sparse approximation method that performs variable selection and parameter estimation for high dimensional datasets. IHT returns a sparse model with prespecified $k \in \mathbb{Z}_+$ (or fewer) non-zero entries. In MendelIHT.j, the objective function is:
\begin{align} \text{maximize } & \quad L(\beta)\\ \text{subject to } & \quad ||\beta||_0 \le k \end{align}The objective is solved via projected gradient ascent: $$\beta_{n+1} = P_{S_k}(\beta_n + s_n \nabla L(\beta_n)),$$ where:
See our paper for more details and computational tricks to do each of these efficiently.
MendelIHT borrows distribution and link functions implementationed in GLM.jl and Distributions.jl.
Distribution | Canonical Link | Status |
Normal | IdentityLink | $\checkmark$ |
Bernoulli | LogitLink | $\checkmark$ |
Poisson | LogLink | $\checkmark$ |
NegativeBinomial | LogLink | $\checkmark$ |
Gamma | InverseLink | experimental |
InverseGaussian | InverseSquareLink | experimental |
Examples of these distributions in their default value is visualized in this post.
Note: Adding your favorite distribution only requires implementation of loglikelihood, score, and expected information!
First we simulate an example PLINK trio (.bim
, .bed
, .fam
) and non-genetic covariates, then we illustrate how to import them. For genotype matrix simulation, we simulate under the model:
# rows and columns
n = 1000
p = 10000
#random seed
# simulate random `.bed` file
x = simulate_random_snparray(n, p, "./data/tmp.bed")
# create accompanying `.bim`, `.fam` files (randomly generated)
make_bim_fam_files(x, ones(n), "./data/tmp")
# simulate non-genetic covariates (in this case, we include intercept and sex)
z = [ones(n, 1) rand(0:1, n)]
writedlm("./data/tmp_nongenetic_covariates.txt", z)
x = SnpArray("./data/tmp.bed")
z = readdlm("./data/tmp_nongenetic_covariates.txt")
We recommend standardizing all genetic and non-genetic covarariates (including binary and categorical), except for the intercept. This ensures equal penalization for all predictors. For genotype matrix, SnpBitMatrix
efficiently achieves this standardization. For non-genetic covariates, we use the built-in function standardize!
# SnpBitMatrix can automatically standardizes .bed file (without extra memory) and behaves like a matrix
xbm = SnpBitMatrix{Float64}(x, model=ADDITIVE_MODEL, center=true, scale=true);
# using view is important for correctness
standardize!(@view(z[:, 2:end]))
In this example, our model is simulated as:
$$y_i \sim \mathbf{x}_i^T\mathbf{\beta} + \epsilon_i$$$$x_{ij} \sim \rm Binomial(2, \rho_j)$$$$\rho_j \sim \rm Uniform(0, 0.5)$$$$\epsilon_i \sim \rm N(0, 1)$$$$\beta_i \sim \rm N(0, 1) \quad (\text{for 10 different } i)$$# Define model dimensions, true model size, distribution, and link functions
n = 1000
p = 10000
k = 10
dist = Normal
link = canonicallink(dist())
# set random seed for reproducibility
# simulate SNP matrix, store the result in a file called tmp.bed
x = simulate_random_snparray(n, p, "./data/tmp.bed")
#construct the SnpBitMatrix type (needed for L0_reg() and simulate_random_response() below)
xbm = SnpBitMatrix{Float64}(x, model=ADDITIVE_MODEL, center=true, scale=true);
# intercept is the only nongenetic covariate
z = ones(n, 1)
# simulate response y, true model b, and the correct non-0 positions of b
y, true_b, correct_position = simulate_random_response(x, xbm, k, dist, link);
-fold cross validation to determine best model size¶To run cv_iht
, you must specify path
and q
, defined below:
: all the model sizes you wish to test.q
: number of disjoint partitions of your data. By default, we partition the training/testing data randomly, but you can change this by inputing the fold
vector as optional argument. In this example we tested $k = 5, 6, ..., 15$ across 3 fold cross validation. This is equivalent to running IHT across 30 different models, and hence, is ideal for parallel computing (which you specify by parallel=true
path = collect(5:15) # various sparsity levels to test (in this case 5 through 15)
q = 3 # number of fold cross validation
# Inputs: x, z, y = genotype matrix, other covariates, and response, 1 = group info (none)
@time mses = cv_iht(Normal(), IdentityLink(), x, z, y, 1, path, q, parallel=false);
plot(path, mses, label="Mean Squared Error", xlabel="Sparsity level",
ylabel="Mean Squared Error", linewidth=5)
best_k = path[argmin(mses)] # k = 7 minimizes MSE
result = L0_reg(x, xbm, z, y, 1, best_k, Normal(), IdentityLink()) # run IHT on full data
Since all our data and model was simulated, we can see how well cv_iht
combined with L0_reg
estimated the true model. For this example, we find that IHT found every simulated predictor, with 0 false positives.
compare_model = DataFrame(
true_β = true_b[correct_position],
estimated_β = result.beta[correct_position])
Conclusion: IHT found 7/10 true predictors, with superb parameter estimates. The remaining 3 predictors cannot be identified by IHT because they have very small effect sizes.
Now we show how to include group information to perform doubly sparse projections. This results in a model with at most $j$ groups where each group contains at most $k$ SNPs. This is useful for:
In this example, we simulated:
We assume perfect group information. That is, the selected groups containing 1∼5 causative SNPs are assigned maximum within-group sparsity $\lambda_g = 1,2,...,5$. The remaining groups are assigned $\lambda_g = 1$ (i.e. only 1 active predictor are allowed).
# define problem size
n = 1000
p = 10000
dist = NegativeBinomial
link = LogLink()
block_size = 20 #simulation parameter
num_blocks = Int(p / block_size) #simulation parameter
# set seed
# assign group membership
membership = collect(1:num_blocks)
g = zeros(Int64, p + 1)
for i in 1:length(membership)
for j in 1:block_size
cur_row = block_size * (i - 1) + j
g[block_size*(i - 1) + j] = membership[i]
g[end] = membership[end]
#simulate correlated snparray
x = simulate_correlated_snparray(n, p, "./data/tmp2.bed", prob=0.95)
z = ones(n, 1) # the intercept
x_float = convert(Matrix{Float64}, x, model=ADDITIVE_MODEL, center=true, scale=true)
#simulate true model, where 5 groups each with 1~5 snps contribute
true_b = zeros(p)
true_groups = randperm(num_blocks)[1:5]
within_group = [randperm(block_size)[1:1], randperm(block_size)[1:2],
randperm(block_size)[1:3], randperm(block_size)[1:4],
correct_position = zeros(Int64, 15)
for i in 1:5
cur_group = block_size * (true_groups[i] - 1)
cur_group_snps = cur_group .+ within_group[i]
start, last = Int(i*(i-1)/2 + 1), Int(i*(i+1)/2)
correct_position[start:last] .= cur_group_snps
for i in 1:15
true_b[correct_position[i]] = rand(-1:2:1) * 0.2
# simulate phenotype
r = 10 #nuisance parameter
μ = GLM.linkinv.(link, x_float * true_b)
clamp!(μ, -20, 20)
prob = 1 ./ (1 .+ μ ./ r)
y = [rand(dist(r, i)) for i in prob] #number of failures before r success occurs
y = Float64.(y);
# x_float = genotype matrix in floating point numbers
# z = other covariates
# y = response vector
j = 1 # 1 active group = entire dataset
k = 15 # 15 active predictors
ungrouped_IHT = L0_reg(x_float, z, y, j, k, NegativeBinomial(), LogLink())
# x_float = genotype matrix in floating point numbers
# z = other covariates
# y = response vector
# g = group membership vector (simulated above)
j = 5 # maximum number of active groups
dist = NegativeBinomial() # distribution
link = LogLink() # link function
# within-group sparsity for each group
max_group_snps = ones(Int, num_blocks)
max_group_snps[true_groups] .= collect(1:5)
# run grouped IHT
grouped_IHT = L0_reg(x_float, z, y, j, max_group_snps, NegativeBinomial(), LogLink(), group=g)
compare_model = DataFrame(
correct_positions = correct_position,
ungrouped_IHT_positions = findall(!iszero, ungrouped_IHT.beta),
grouped_IHT_positions = findall(!iszero, grouped_IHT.beta))
correct_position = findall(!iszero, true_b)
compare_model = DataFrame(
position = correct_position,
correct_β = true_b[correct_position],
ungrouped_IHT_β = ungrouped_IHT.beta[correct_position],
grouped_IHT_β = grouped_IHT.beta[correct_position])
Conclusion: by asking for "top entries" in each group, we (somewhat) disentangle the correlation structure in our data and achieved better model selection!
Please visit our documentation.